Medienpass, Medienkonzept, … aber alles ohne Medien?!

Die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft schreitet voran. Sie ist also “nix was kommt – sie ist schon da.“ wie Anette Bronder, Geschäftsführerin Digital Division der T-Systems GmbH, es letztens auf den Punkt brachte. “Gesellschaft” bedeutet also, dass alle Bereiche von der Digitalisierung betroffen sind. So tauchen buzzwords wie “Industrie 4.0” und natürlich auch “Bildung 4.0” auf. Warum 4.0,…


Literature Project | While-Reading – II.1 Introduction

Lead-In Teacher shows the cover of the book and – by using the Think-Pair-Share technique – asks students: Describe what you see. Speculate: what is the novel about? Transition “Let’s see if your assumptions and ideas were right.”   Practice [Note: students use the eBook version, either via iBooks or via Kindle] Read the introduction by the author:…


Literature Project | Pre-Reading Activities – 2 Music of the American South

I.2 Music of the American South Lead-In Alternative 1: Teacher shows pictures of Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley and asks students what they remember about them and what is special about their music. Alternative 2: #MoveYourClassroom Teacher plays a modern, but typical RnB song, e.g. by Rihanna. Students can move and dance if they like…


Literature Project | Pre-Reading Activities – 1 The American South

I.1 The American South Lead-In Teacher displays poster of Madison Young, the protagonist of Unit 5 in English G21 A4 *1. “What do you remember about her?” → main information: she is from Atlanta, Georgia. Transition “What do you know about Georgia?” → collect students’ answers “Georgia is in the South of the USA, which is…
